Miscellaneous Jobs


Publish a previously built branch-tip artifact.

Use this in the promote pipeline to publish a branch tip artifact built in the gate pipeline.

This is an abstract job intended to be inherited from in an OpenDev tenant and an appropriate secret added.

:type: dict

This is expected to be a Zuul Secret with these keys:

:type: dict.keytab

The AFS keytab for the service principal.

:type: dict.service_name

The name of the service princpal.

:type: dict.artifacts_path

The full publication path to use.


The name of the job which built the artifacts which this job should download and promote.


The type of the artifact to download (as specified in the type attribute of the artifact metadata).


The artifact will be renamed to PROJECT-BRANCH.ext; if this argument is present, it will be PROJECT-EXTRA-BRANCH.ext.


Publish a previously built branch-tip sdist/wheels.

Use this in the promote pipeline to publish a branch tip sdist and wheel(s) built in the gate pipeline.


Publish a previously built branch-tip javascript content archive.

Use this in the promote pipeline to publish a branch tip javascript content archive built in the gate pipeline.


Publish previously built branch-tip javascript content

Use this in the promote pipeline to publish branch tip javascript content built in the gate pipeline. Expects a tarball to have been published which will be extracted into the target location.


The name of the job which built the artifacts which this job should download and promote.


The type of the artifact to download (as specified in the type attribute of the artifact metadata).


Publish a previously built branch-tip javascript content archive.

Use this in the promote pipeline to publish a branch tip javascript content archive built in the gate pipeline.


Release python tarballs / wheels to pypi.


Mirrors a tested project repository to a remote git server. This is a nodeless version of the job in zuul-jobs, defined here since this job’s playbook must be in a trusted repo.

Type: dict

This is expected to be a Zuul secret with these keys:


SSH user for the remote git repository


SSH host for the remote git repository


Literal private key contents. Should start with something like -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----.


SSH host key of the remote git server. Can be obtained with ssh-keyscan -H <host>.


Path of the remote git repository

Specialized Jobs

These jobs are not for general use.


A base job for running production playbooks on OpenDev’s bridge.

This is not for general use.


A base job for replicating source to OpenDev’s bridge.

This is not for general use.


A base job for allowing executors to log into OpenDev’s bridge.

This is not for general use.