Container Images¶
The jobs described in this section all work together to handle the full gating process for continuously deployed container images. They can be used to build or test images which rely on other images using the full power of Zuul’s speculative execution.
There are a few key concepts to keep in mind:
A buildset is a group of jobs all running on the same change.
A buildset registry is a container image registry which is used to store speculatively built images for the use of jobs in a single buildset. It holds the differences between the current state of the world and the future state if the change in question (and all of its dependent changes) were to merge. It must be started by one of the jobs in a buildset, and it ceases to exist once that job is complete.
An intermediate registry is a long-running registry that is used to store images created for unmerged changes for use by other unmerged changes. It is not publicly accessible and is intended only to be used by Zuul in order to transfer artifacts from one buildset to another. OpenDev maintains such a registry.
With these concepts in mind, the jobs described below implement the following workflow for a single change:
![digraph image_transfer {
// Set things up like a spreadsheet grid as I found that simplifies
// remembering which nodes have edges between them.
ir_start [label="Intermediate\nRegistry" shape="box"]
ir_end [style=invis]
ir_0 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
ir_1 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
ir_2 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
ir_3 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
ir_4 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
ir_5 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
ir_start -> ir_0 -> ir_1 -> ir_2 -> ir_3 -> ir_4 -> ir_5 -> ir_end [arrowhead="none" style="bold"]
br_start [label="Buildset\nRegistry" shape="box"]
br_end [style=invis]
br_0 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
br_1 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
br_2 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
br_3 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
br_4 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
br_5 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
br_start -> br_0 -> br_1 -> br_2 -> br_3 -> br_4 -> br_5 [arrowhead="none" style="bold"]
br_5 -> br_end [arrowhead="none" style="dashed"]
ij_start [label="Image\nBuild Job" shape="box"]
ij_end [style=invis]
ij_0 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
ij_1 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
ij_2 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
ij_3 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
ij_4 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
ij_5 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
ij_start -> ij_0 -> ij_1 [arrowhead="none" style="dashed"]
ij_1 -> ij_2 [arrowhead="none" style="bold"]
ij_2 -> ij_3 -> ij_4 -> ij_5 -> ij_end [arrowhead="none" style="dashed"]
tj_start [label="Deployment\nTest Job" shape="box"]
tj_end [style=invis]
tj_0 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
tj_1 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
tj_2 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
tj_3 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
tj_4 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
tj_5 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
tj_start -> tj_0 -> tj_1 -> tj_2 -> tj_3 -> tj_4 [arrowhead="none" style="dashed"]
tj_4 -> tj_5 [arrowhead="none" style="bold"]
tj_5 -> tj_end [arrowhead="none" style="dashed"]
// Flows between first and second column
ir_0 -> br_0 [weight=0 label="Images from previous changes"]
br_3 -> ir_3 [weight=0 label="Current image"]
ir_end -> br_end [weight=0 style=invis]
// Flows between second and third column
br_1 -> ij_1 [weight=0 label="Images from previous changes"]
ij_2 -> br_2 [weight=0 label="Current image"]
br_end -> ij_end [weight=0 style=invis]
// Flows between second and fourth column
br_4 -> tj_4 [weight=0 xlabel="Current and previous images" ]
Buildset registry image transfer¶
The intermediate registry is always running and the buildset registry is started by a job running on a change. The “Image Build” and “Deployment Test” jobs are example jobs which might be running on a change. Essentially, these are image producer or consumer jobs respectively.
There are two ways to use the jobs described below:
A Repository with Producers and Consumers¶
The first is in a repository where images are both produced and consumed. In this case, we can expect that there will be at least one image build job, and at least one job which uses that image (for example, by performing a test deployment of the image). In this case we need to construct a job graph with dependencies as follows:
![digraph inheritance {
node [shape=box];
"opendev-buildset-registry" -> "build-image" [dir=back];
"build-image" -> "test-image" [dir=back];
The opendev-buildset-registry job will run first and automatically start a buildset registry populated with images built from any changes which appear ahead of the current change. It will then return its connection information to Zuul and pause and continue running until the completion of the build and test jobs.
The build-image job should inherit from opendev-build-docker-image, which will ensure that it is automatically configured to use the buildset registry.
The test-image job is something that you will create yourself. There is no standard way to test or deploy an image, that depends on your application. However, there is one thing you will need to do in your job to take advantage of the buildset registry. In a pre-run playbook, use the use-buildset-registry role:
- hosts: all
- use-buildset-registry
That will configure the docker daemon on the host to use the buildset registry so that it will use the newly built version of any required images.
A Repository with Only Producers¶
The second way to use these jobs is in a repository where an image is merely built, but not deployed. In this case, there are no consumers of the buildset registry other than the image build job, and so the registry can be run on the job itself. In this case, you may omit the opendev-buildset-registry job and run only the opendev-build-docker-image job.
Publishing an Image¶
So far we’ve covered the image building process. This system also provides two more jobs that are used in publishing images to Docker Hub.
The opendev-upload-docker-image job does everything the opendev-build-docker-image job does, but it also uploads the built image to Docker Hub using an automatically-generated and temporary tag. The “build” job is designed to be used in the check pipeline, while the “upload” job is designed to take its place in the gate pipeline. By front-loading the upload to Docker Hub, we reduce the chance that a credential or network error will prevent us from publishing an image after a change lands.
The opendev-promote-docker-image jobs is designed to be used in the promote pipeline and simply re-tags the image on Docker Hub after the change lands.
Keeping in mind that everything described above in Buildset registry image transfer applies to the opendev-upload-docker-image job, the following illustrates the additional tasks performed by the “upload” and “promote” jobs:
![digraph image_transfer {
// Set things up like a spreadsheet grid as I found that simplifies
// remembering which nodes have edges between them.
dh_start [label="Docker Hub" shape="box"]
dh_end [style=invis]
dh_0 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
dh_1 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
dh_2 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
dh_start -> dh_0 -> dh_1 -> dh_2 -> dh_end [arrowhead="none" style="bold"]
ui_start [label="upload-image" shape="box"]
ui_end [style=invis]
ui_0 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
ui_1 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
ui_2 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
ui_start -> ui_0 [arrowhead="none" style="bold"]
ui_0 -> ui_1 -> ui_2 -> ui_end [arrowhead="none" style="dashed"]
pi_start [label="promote-image" shape="box"]
pi_end [style=invis]
pi_0 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
pi_1 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
pi_2 [label="" shape=point height=.005]
pi_start -> pi_0 -> pi_1 [arrowhead="none" style="dashed"]
pi_1 -> pi_2 [arrowhead="none" style="bold" xlabel="Only the manifest\nis transferred,\nnot the actual\nimage layers"]
pi_2 -> pi_end [arrowhead="none" style="dashed"]
// Flows between first and second column
ui_0 -> dh_0 [weight=0 label="Current Image with Temporary Tag"]
dh_end -> ui_end [weight=0 style=invis]
// Flows between first and third column
dh_1 -> ui_1 [weight=0 arrowhead="none"]
ui_1 -> pi_1 [weight=0 label="Current Image Manifest\nwith Temporary Tag"]
pi_2 -> ui_2 [weight=0 label="Current Image Manifest\nwith Final Tag" arrowhead="none"]
ui_2 -> dh_2 [weight=0]
dh_end -> pi_end [weight=0 style=invis]
- opendev-buildset-registry¶
Starts a buildset registry which interacts with the intermediate CI registry to share speculative container images between projects.
Configure any jobs which require the use of a buildset registry to depend on this job using the “dependencies” job attribute.
This job will pause after starting the registry so that it is available to any jobs which depend on it. Once all such jobs are complete, this job will finish.
- opendev-buildset-registry-consumer¶
Pull from the intermediate registry
This is a parent for jobs which use container images and expect a buildset registry to be running. It pulls images from the intermediate registry into it.
- opendev-build-docker-image-base¶
This is a parent for an image build job which expects a buildset registry to be running and pulls images from the intermediate registry into it. It mostly exists so that the intermediate registry secret need not be supplied to the image build playbook.
- opendev-build-docker-image¶
Starts a buildset registry (if one has not already been started, e.g., by invoking opendev-buildset-registry and specifying it as a dependency) and builds one or more docker images.
Analog of build-docker-image job, but with a buildset registry.
This job will pause after starting the registry so that it is available to any jobs which depend on it. Once all such jobs are complete, this job will finish.
This is one of a collection of jobs which are designed to work together to build, upload, and promote docker images in a gating context:
opendev-build-docker-image: Build the images.
opendev-upload-docker-image: Build and stage the images on dockerhub.
opendev-promote-docker-image: Promote previously uploaded images.
The opendev-build-docker-image job is designed to be used in a check pipeline and simply builds the images to verify that the build functions.
The opendev-upload-docker-image job builds and uploads the images to Docker Hub, but only with a single tag corresponding to the change ID. This job is designed in a gate pipeline so that the build produced by the gate is staged and can later be promoted to production if the change is successful.
The opendev-promote-docker-image job is designed to be used in a promote pipeline. It requires no nodes and runs very quickly on the Zuul executor. It simply re-tags a previously uploaded image for a change with whatever tags are supplied by opendev-build-docker-image.docker_images.tags. It also removes the change ID tag from the repository in Docker Hub, and removes any similar change ID tags more than 24 hours old. This keeps the repository tidy in the case that gated changes fail to merge after uploading their staged images.
They all accept the same input data, principally a list of dictionaries representing the images to build. YAML anchors can be used to supply the same data to all three jobs.
Job Variables
Default:{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}
The project directory. Serves as the base for opendev-build-docker-image.docker_images.context.
Type: list A list of images to build. Each item in the list should have:
The docker build context; this should be a directory underneath opendev-build-docker-image.zuul_work_dir.
The name of the target repository in dockerhub for the image. Supply this even if the image is not going to be uploaded (it will be tagged with this in the local registry).
Optional: the directory that should be passed to docker build. Useful for building images with a Dockerfile in the context directory but a source repository elsewhere.
Type: list Optional: a list of values to pass to the docker
Optional: the target for a multi-stage build.
Type: list A list of tags to be added to the image when promoted.
- opendev-upload-docker-image¶
Starts a buildset registry and builds and uploads one or more docker images to
Analog of upload-docker-image job, but with a buildset registry.
This is one of a collection of jobs which are designed to work together to build, upload, and promote docker images in a gating context:
opendev-build-docker-image: Build the images.
opendev-upload-docker-image: Build and stage the images on dockerhub.
opendev-promote-docker-image: Promote previously uploaded images.
The opendev-build-docker-image job is designed to be used in a check pipeline and simply builds the images to verify that the build functions.
The opendev-upload-docker-image job builds and uploads the images to Docker Hub, but only with a single tag corresponding to the change ID. This job is designed in a gate pipeline so that the build produced by the gate is staged and can later be promoted to production if the change is successful.
The opendev-promote-docker-image job is designed to be used in a promote pipeline. It requires no nodes and runs very quickly on the Zuul executor. It simply re-tags a previously uploaded image for a change with whatever tags are supplied by opendev-build-docker-image.docker_images.tags. It also removes the change ID tag from the repository in Docker Hub, and removes any similar change ID tags more than 24 hours old. This keeps the repository tidy in the case that gated changes fail to merge after uploading their staged images.
They all accept the same input data, principally a list of dictionaries representing the images to build. YAML anchors can be used to supply the same data to all three jobs.
Job Variables
Default:{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}
The project directory. Serves as the base for opendev-build-docker-image.docker_images.context.
Type: list A list of images to build. Each item in the list should have:
The docker build context; this should be a directory underneath opendev-build-docker-image.zuul_work_dir.
The name of the target repository in dockerhub for the image. Supply this even if the image is not going to be uploaded (it will be tagged with this in the local registry).
Optional: the directory that should be passed to docker build. Useful for building images with a Dockerfile in the context directory but a source repository elsewhere.
Type: list Optional: a list of values to pass to the docker
Optional: the target for a multi-stage build.
Type: list A list of tags to be added to the image when promoted.
Type: dict This is expected to be a Zuul Secret with these keys:
The Docker Hub username.
The Docker Hub password.
Optional; if supplied this is a regular expression which restricts to what repositories the image may be uploaded. The following example allows projects to upload images to repositories within an organization based on their own names:
repository: "^myorgname/{{ zuul.project.short_name }}.*"
- opendev-promote-docker-image¶
Retag a previously-uploaded docker image.
Analog of promote-docker-image job.
This is one of a collection of jobs which are designed to work together to build, upload, and promote docker images in a gating context:
opendev-build-docker-image: Build the images.
opendev-upload-docker-image: Build and stage the images on dockerhub.
opendev-promote-docker-image: Promote previously uploaded images.
The opendev-build-docker-image job is designed to be used in a check pipeline and simply builds the images to verify that the build functions.
The opendev-upload-docker-image job builds and uploads the images to Docker Hub, but only with a single tag corresponding to the change ID. This job is designed in a gate pipeline so that the build produced by the gate is staged and can later be promoted to production if the change is successful.
The opendev-promote-docker-image job is designed to be used in a promote pipeline. It requires no nodes and runs very quickly on the Zuul executor. It simply re-tags a previously uploaded image for a change with whatever tags are supplied by opendev-build-docker-image.docker_images.tags. It also removes the change ID tag from the repository in Docker Hub, and removes any similar change ID tags more than 24 hours old. This keeps the repository tidy in the case that gated changes fail to merge after uploading their staged images.
They all accept the same input data, principally a list of dictionaries representing the images to build. YAML anchors can be used to supply the same data to all three jobs.
Job Variables
Default:{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}
The project directory. Serves as the base for opendev-build-docker-image.docker_images.context.
Type: list A list of images to build. Each item in the list should have:
The docker build context; this should be a directory underneath opendev-build-docker-image.zuul_work_dir.
The name of the target repository in dockerhub for the image. Supply this even if the image is not going to be uploaded (it will be tagged with this in the local registry).
Optional: the directory that should be passed to docker build. Useful for building images with a Dockerfile in the context directory but a source repository elsewhere.
Type: list Optional: a list of values to pass to the docker
Optional: the target for a multi-stage build.
Type: list A list of tags to be added to the image when promoted.
Type: dict This is expected to be a Zuul Secret with these keys:
The Docker Hub username.
The Docker Hub password.
Optional; if supplied this is a regular expression which restricts to what repositories the image may be uploaded. The following example allows projects to upload images to repositories within an organization based on their own names:
repository: "^myorgname/{{ zuul.project.short_name }}.*"
- opendev-build-container-image-base¶
This is a parent for an image build job which expects a buildset registry to be running and pulls images from the intermediate registry into it. It mostly exists so that the intermediate registry secret need not be supplied to the image build playbook.
- opendev-build-container-image¶
Starts a buildset registry (if one has not already been started, e.g., by invoking opendev-buildset-registry and specifying it as a dependency) and builds one or more docker images.
Analog of build-docker-image job, but with a buildset registry.
This job will pause after starting the registry so that it is available to any jobs which depend on it. Once all such jobs are complete, this job will finish.
This is one of a collection of jobs which are designed to work together to build, upload, and promote container images in a gating context:
opendev-build-container-image: Build the images.
opendev-upload-container-image: Build and stage the images in a registry.
opendev-promote-container-image: Promote previously uploaded images.
The opendev-build-container-image job is designed to be used in a check pipeline and simply builds the images to verify that the build functions.
The opendev-upload-container-image job builds and uploads the images to a registry, but only with a single tag corresponding to the change ID. This job is designed in a gate pipeline so that the build produced by the gate is staged and can later be promoted to production if the change is successful.
The opendev-promote-container-image job is designed to be used in a promote pipeline. It requires no nodes and runs very quickly on the Zuul executor. It simply re-tags a previously uploaded image for a change with whatever tags are supplied by opendev-build-container-image.container_images.tags. It also removes the change ID tag from the repository in the registry. If any changes fail to merge, this cleanup will not run and those tags will need to be deleted manually.
They all accept the same input data, principally a list of dictionaries representing the images to build. YAML anchors can be used to supply the same data to all three jobs.
Job Variables
Default:{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}
The project directory. Serves as the base for opendev-build-container-image.container_images.context.
The default container filename name to use. Serves as the base for opendev-build-container-image.container_images.container_filename. This allows a global overriding of the container filename name, for example when building all images from different folders with similarily named containerfiles.
If omitted, the default depends on the container command used. Typically, this is
(with a fallback onDockerfile
) forpodman
The command to use when building the image (E.g.,
Type: list A list of images to build. Each item in the list should have:
The build context; this should be a directory underneath opendev-build-container-image.zuul_work_dir.
The filename of the container file, present in the context folder, used for building the image. Provide this if you are using a non-standard filename for a specific image.
The name of the target registry (E.g.,
). Used by the upload and promote roles.
The name of the target repository in the registry for the image. Supply this even if the image is not going to be uploaded (it will be tagged with this in the local registry). This should include the registry name. E.g.,
Optional: the directory that should be passed to the build command. Useful for building images with a container file in the context directory but a source repository elsewhere.
Type: list Optional: a list of values to pass to the
Optional: the target for a multi-stage build.
Type: list A list of tags to be added to the image when promoted.
Type: list A list of sibling projects to be copied into
. This can be useful to collect multiple projects to be installed within the same Docker context. A-build-arg
will be added with each sibling project. Note that projects here must be listed inrequired-projects
Type: dict A dictionary of key value pairs to add to the container build environment. This may be useful to enable buildkit with docker builds for example.
- opendev-upload-container-image¶
Starts a buildset registry and builds and uploads one or more container images to a registry.
Analog of upload-container-image job, but with a buildset registry.
This is one of a collection of jobs which are designed to work together to build, upload, and promote container images in a gating context:
opendev-build-container-image: Build the images.
opendev-upload-container-image: Build and stage the images in a registry.
opendev-promote-container-image: Promote previously uploaded images.
The opendev-build-container-image job is designed to be used in a check pipeline and simply builds the images to verify that the build functions.
The opendev-upload-container-image job builds and uploads the images to a registry, but only with a single tag corresponding to the change ID. This job is designed in a gate pipeline so that the build produced by the gate is staged and can later be promoted to production if the change is successful.
The opendev-promote-container-image job is designed to be used in a promote pipeline. It requires no nodes and runs very quickly on the Zuul executor. It simply re-tags a previously uploaded image for a change with whatever tags are supplied by opendev-build-container-image.container_images.tags. It also removes the change ID tag from the repository in the registry. If any changes fail to merge, this cleanup will not run and those tags will need to be deleted manually.
They all accept the same input data, principally a list of dictionaries representing the images to build. YAML anchors can be used to supply the same data to all three jobs.
Job Variables
Default:{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}
The project directory. Serves as the base for opendev-build-container-image.container_images.context.
The default container filename name to use. Serves as the base for opendev-build-container-image.container_images.container_filename. This allows a global overriding of the container filename name, for example when building all images from different folders with similarily named containerfiles.
If omitted, the default depends on the container command used. Typically, this is
(with a fallback onDockerfile
) forpodman
The command to use when building the image (E.g.,
Type: list A list of images to build. Each item in the list should have:
The build context; this should be a directory underneath opendev-build-container-image.zuul_work_dir.
The filename of the container file, present in the context folder, used for building the image. Provide this if you are using a non-standard filename for a specific image.
The name of the target registry (E.g.,
). Used by the upload and promote roles.
The name of the target repository in the registry for the image. Supply this even if the image is not going to be uploaded (it will be tagged with this in the local registry). This should include the registry name. E.g.,
Optional: the directory that should be passed to the build command. Useful for building images with a container file in the context directory but a source repository elsewhere.
Type: list Optional: a list of values to pass to the
Optional: the target for a multi-stage build.
Type: list A list of tags to be added to the image when promoted.
Type: list A list of sibling projects to be copied into
. This can be useful to collect multiple projects to be installed within the same Docker context. A-build-arg
will be added with each sibling project. Note that projects here must be listed inrequired-projects
Type: dict A dictionary of key value pairs to add to the container build environment. This may be useful to enable buildkit with docker builds for example.
Type: dict This is only required for the upload and promote roles. This is expected to be a Zuul Secret in dictionary form. Each key is the name of a registry, and its value a dictionary with information about that registry.
container_registry_credentials: username: foo password: bar
container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]¶
Type: dict Information about a registry. The key is the registry name, and its value a dict as follows:
container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]{}.username¶
The registry username.
container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]{}.password¶
The registry password.
container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]{}.repository¶
Optional; if supplied this is a regular expression which restricts to what repositories the image may be uploaded. The registry name should be included. The following example allows projects to upload images to repositories within an organization based on their own names:
repository: "^{{ zuul.project.short_name }}.*"
container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]{}.username¶
container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]¶
- opendev-promote-container-image¶
Retag a previously-uploaded container image.
Analog of promote-container-image job.
This is one of a collection of jobs which are designed to work together to build, upload, and promote container images in a gating context:
opendev-build-container-image: Build the images.
opendev-upload-container-image: Build and stage the images in a registry.
opendev-promote-container-image: Promote previously uploaded images.
The opendev-build-container-image job is designed to be used in a check pipeline and simply builds the images to verify that the build functions.
The opendev-upload-container-image job builds and uploads the images to a registry, but only with a single tag corresponding to the change ID. This job is designed in a gate pipeline so that the build produced by the gate is staged and can later be promoted to production if the change is successful.
The opendev-promote-container-image job is designed to be used in a promote pipeline. It requires no nodes and runs very quickly on the Zuul executor. It simply re-tags a previously uploaded image for a change with whatever tags are supplied by opendev-build-container-image.container_images.tags. It also removes the change ID tag from the repository in the registry. If any changes fail to merge, this cleanup will not run and those tags will need to be deleted manually.
They all accept the same input data, principally a list of dictionaries representing the images to build. YAML anchors can be used to supply the same data to all three jobs.
Job Variables
Default:{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}
The project directory. Serves as the base for opendev-build-container-image.container_images.context.
The default container filename name to use. Serves as the base for opendev-build-container-image.container_images.container_filename. This allows a global overriding of the container filename name, for example when building all images from different folders with similarily named containerfiles.
If omitted, the default depends on the container command used. Typically, this is
(with a fallback onDockerfile
) forpodman
The command to use when building the image (E.g.,
Type: list A list of images to build. Each item in the list should have:
The build context; this should be a directory underneath opendev-build-container-image.zuul_work_dir.
The filename of the container file, present in the context folder, used for building the image. Provide this if you are using a non-standard filename for a specific image.
The name of the target registry (E.g.,
). Used by the upload and promote roles.
The name of the target repository in the registry for the image. Supply this even if the image is not going to be uploaded (it will be tagged with this in the local registry). This should include the registry name. E.g.,
Optional: the directory that should be passed to the build command. Useful for building images with a container file in the context directory but a source repository elsewhere.
Type: list Optional: a list of values to pass to the
Optional: the target for a multi-stage build.
Type: list A list of tags to be added to the image when promoted.
Type: list A list of sibling projects to be copied into
. This can be useful to collect multiple projects to be installed within the same Docker context. A-build-arg
will be added with each sibling project. Note that projects here must be listed inrequired-projects
Type: dict A dictionary of key value pairs to add to the container build environment. This may be useful to enable buildkit with docker builds for example.
Type: dict This is only required for the upload and promote roles. This is expected to be a Zuul Secret in dictionary form. Each key is the name of a registry, and its value a dictionary with information about that registry.
container_registry_credentials: username: foo password: bar
container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]¶
Type: dict Information about a registry. The key is the registry name, and its value a dict as follows:
container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]{}.username¶
The registry username.
container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]{}.password¶
The registry password.
container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]{}.repository¶
Optional; if supplied this is a regular expression which restricts to what repositories the image may be uploaded. The registry name should be included. The following example allows projects to upload images to repositories within an organization based on their own names:
repository: "^{{ zuul.project.short_name }}.*"
container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]{}.username¶
container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]¶
- opendev-mirror-container-images¶
Mirror container images to