v3.5.0 Release Notes

3.5.0 Release Notes


New Features

  • Add a new argument --network to specify either a name or an id of a network that will be set in tempest.conf and used by tempest to run tests.

  • From now on, python-tempestconf will set the following option by default

    • CONF.scenario.dhcp_client dhcpcd

    The reason is that python-tempestconf sets cirros >= 0.6.0 as the default image and cirros version since 0.6.0 use dhcpcd as a default dhcp client.

Deprecation Notes

  • Argument --network-id is deprecated and will be removed in the future. --network-id is replaced with --network that can be used to specify both, network id or network name.

Bug Fixes

  • python-tempestconf will prioritize the external network named public when auto-discovering an external network for tempest. The public network is the network we end up using in most of the cases. This will help avoid potential conflicts with other available external networks that are not meant to be used by tempest. If no external network with name public is found, the network discovered last will be used.