Default variables
- keepalived_enabled
Enable Keepalived for the Atmosphere cluster. You can disable this if you are forwarding ports directly into the cluster from an external network.
keepalived_enabled: true
- keepalived_password
Keepalived password
keepalived_password: "{{ undef(hint='You must specify a Keepalived password') }}"
- keepalived_vip
Keepalived virtual IP address
keepalived_vip: "{{ undef(hint='You must specify a Keepalived virtual IP address') }}"
- keepalived_interface
Keepalived virtual IP interface
keepalived_interface: "{{ undef(hint='You must specify a Keepalived virtual IP interface') }}"
- keepalived_image_repository
Keepalived container image repository location
keepalived_image_repository: "{{ atmosphere_image_repository | default('') }}"
- keepalived_image_tag
Keepalived container image tag
keepalived_image_tag: 2.0.19
- keepalived_vrid
Keepalived virtual router id
keepalived_vrid: 51